Monday, July 21, 2008

Storm Poetry

Thunder and Lightning
by Kai Heng

Thunder sparks,

Rain and hail knocks on the door.
God suddenly growls in anger.
Grim clouds explode as loud as bombs,
Howling leaves and windows shake.
Family dinners disturbed by flickering lights.


Blinding Sky

By Tyler

Blinding dark sky up above.

People scampering indoors
To take shelter.
Lightning charging across the sky.
Thunder smashing objects like a fist.
But I'm safe.


BBPS said...

Kai- Heng and Tyler your poems are great and they want to make me jump.


Kai Heng, I heard the growls that you speak of last night! Your use of a range of poetic devices made a great picture for me.

Miss R :-)


Tyler, it was great to see how much enjoyment you got from writing this poem. I loved the vocabulary that you contributed to the group. You use a range of poetic devices, I especially like your simile. There is nothing like feeling safe and dry inside during a storm.

Miss R :-)

BBPS said...

Tyler, your poem is AWESOME! It's like an atomic bomb-very powerful!

Kai Heng

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BBPS said...

Kai Heng, I liked the poem it was good. I liked the part when you said god radg of thander

BBPS said...
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